Clinical Benefit of the Maze procedure – WHY treating AF becomes so important

20 May, 2020 - Online

This virtual training program is devoted to the Maze IV procedure in concomitant surgical treatment of AF. The training will feature Professor James Cox who has been leading the investigation and stablishing consensus for more than 30 years. The training focuses on the rationale and efficacy of performing the concomitant Maze IV procedure for atrial fibrillation (Afib) and will highlight the importance of the AF burden and the best strategies to reduce it surgically.

Topics covered include:

– Discuss the evolution, rationale and indications for the Maze IV lesion set

– Identify tips and tricks to improve procedural efficiency and clinical efficacy

Audience: Cardiac surgeons who have the desire to start an AF program or want to optimize their current practice.

Faculty: James Cox, MD

Watch the recording
Did you miss the presentation? The recording is available to view on-demand.