27/10/2023 - 28/10/2023, 8:30 am-5:00 pm - Barcelona, Spain and on-demand
Faculty: International faculty
We are thrilled to bring the highly-anticipated 18ᵗʰ edition of Navigating the Maze once again to Barcelona, Spain, on Friday, October 27 and Saturday, October 28, 2023. This year’s program will be led by an international multidisciplinary faculty and will cover all aspects of surgical AF ablation management, Hybrid AFᵀᴹ Therapies, and LAA exclusion.
This 1.5-day event international atrial fibrillation program is for physicians interested in concomitant ablation and minimally invasive Hybrid AFᵀᴹ Therapies. From patient selection to the latest clinical evidence, this dynamic program presents techniques and outcomes for catheter and surgical ablations. The faculty of leading experts will highlight specific cardiac surgery and minimally invasive Hybrid therapies for AF patients through live surgeries and engaging presentations.
Participants who cannot travel to Barcelona will have the opportunity to watch the video recordings on-demand after the event
Link to virtual platform: www.navigatingthemaze.eu
Download your Save the Date flyer here
Cardiac surgeons and electrophysiologists who want to implement an AFib program and want to optimize their current ablation strategy.
Program Director
Dr. Manuel Castellà
Program supported by an international multidisciplinary faculty
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
Carrer Villarroel 170
08036 Barcelona, Spain
Attendee Dinner
Terraza Miramar, Ctra. de Miramar, 40, 08038 Barcelona
19:00 Departure buses from the reception of Olivia Balmes & Barcelona Center hotels
19:30 Welcome
20:00 Dinner service
22:00 Buses return to the Olivia Balmes & Barcelona Center hotels
Hotel bookings will be allocated on an individual basis and you will receive a reservation confirmation by email. Please check your travel details tab in your AF Connect dashboard for your details.