07/05/2021, 6:00 am-6:00 am - Online
Faculty: TBC
10th Annual London Core Review Cardiothoracic Surgery Course is organized by London Core Review and will be held from May 06 – 09, 2021. The four day intensive London Core Review cardiothoracic surgery medical conference is fit for a wide range of professionals who want up-to-date and advanced material delivered by an experienced faculty of consultant surgeons.
Venue: Virtual online event
AtriCure Symposium: 7th May 11:30-11:45 GMT
Topic: Why Treat AF Surgically
Faculty: Chris Theaker
Sessions of interest:
Friday 7th May 2021 – session 14 (11:45) Convergent Hybrid AF Ablation Program. Mr. Momin and Dr Kaba
Friday 7th May 2021 – session 16 (14:00) Cardiac arrhythmias. Dr Rafe Conners.
Registrations: Complimentary registrations have been assigned. All other registrations please contact kcampbell@atricure.com
AtriCure partner page https://www.londoncorereview.com/sponsors/atricure
Link to program: https://www.londoncorereview.com/
Website: https://www.londoncorereview.com/